news & articles
15. General Forward Bend Sequence – Hips & Groins
In this sequence of forward bending there is a focus on hips and groins. Forward bending takes time and patience. There is a recent post on forward bending with Kay which takes time to focus on the intricacies of a few of the basic forward bending. It can be...
This general sequences focusses on forward bending, hips & groins. This recording takes a little time to load.
Building Immunity – BKS Iyengar
Building Immunity and Avoiding the Flu was written by a long time student of Guruji's - Rajvi Mehta 10 years ago when there was an outbreak of swine flu. This was also referred to as a pandemic. The article was first published in Yoga Rahasya - the journal of the...
14. Asthma
This is a guide for students of Iyengar Yoga to practice a sequence of asanas to improve the function of the respiratory and circulatory systems and help alleviate tensions. - April 25 - Asthma sequence
The audio gives more information about the asthma sequence. How important it is too structurally adjust the body to improve the function of the physiological body. How important it is to modify the props for maximum support so the body Is energised and the mind...
The sequence of forward bending continues with explanation of each stage of forward bending. The basic forwards bends are covered. Janu Sirsasana, Triangmukha ekapadapaschmottanasana, Marichyasana 1. - April 25 - .
A forward bend sequence begins with quick movements with standing poses then Dandasana, Paschimottanasana. Continue with Forward bends 2. - April 25 -
12. Beginner Sequence with Sarvangasana
This is a sequence suitable for a beginner & includes Sarvangasana with alternatives. It is approximately 50 minutes long. - April 18 - Beginner Sequence with Sarvangasana - April 18
You can pause the audio at any time to repeat or delete an asana. Its important to finish the sequence with Sarvangasana or alternatives & Savasana. - April 18 -
Kay gives insights into Brahmari Pranayama - "the Bumble Bee" breath for students who regularly practice pranayama. - April 18 -
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