61 2 9387 8108 info@iyengaryogabj.com.au
3. Basic Sequence – 30 mins

3. Basic Sequence – 30 mins

This is a basic sequence of about 30 minutes to get you on the mat for your home practice.  It has standing poses, twists and the only inversion is Setubandha Sarvangasana. There is a PDF for you to follow the sequence visually and we have synchronised an audio with...
2. Beginner Sequence – Waverton

2. Beginner Sequence – Waverton

A simple yoga sequence requiring nothing but a chair and wall.  Initially developed as a first home practice for Kirsten’s beginner/gentle yoga group in Waverton. – April 3 – Beginner sequence Waverton – April 3 Health is the delicate balance in the...
1. Restorative Sequence

1. Restorative Sequence

This is a restorative sequence, with Kay, which includes Sirsasana and supported (chair) Sarvangasana.   Asanas to position your body so the mind remains there and doesn’t run away with unwanted thoughts.   Inversions to uplift ones spirits.  – April 3 –...